Manage Your Overwhelm
An innovative energy healing program
Let's face it together! Feeling overwhelmed can shut us down. It's like revving a car in mud with bald tires, you're just going to spin out, flinging mud all over everything, and still get nowhere. You end up with a mess to clean up instead of accomplishing everything you need to do in your day.
Our approach to our daily life including work, home, and social time, can be reviewed to find out where we are feeling the most overwhelmed. We can then take action to reverse our lack of motivation, feelings of overwhelm and break the cycle of procrastination.
When we have feelings of being overwhelmed, they can lead us into a state of paralysis. We may be experiencing stress and anxiety too, which are compounded when we are overwhelmed. This paralysis we feel is cyclic, and its course cannot be altered until we understand the underlying cause.
For years, I experienced overwhelm to the point where it became a daily occurrence.
It was a programmed reaction of mine to help cope with the intense feelings that were part and parcel to being in a state of overwhelm. I would often push through feeling stressed out and anxious to where it became my common state of being.
I would make an extensive list each day and then if I didn't accomplish everything on the list, the inner critic would take over. Being self-punitive was a way to justify my feelings of inadequacy and low self worth.
I would often skip meals, avoid socializing, lose sleep, and burn the candle at both ends just to get everything done.
As a result, I was often negative, reactionary, and exhausted, a.k.a. bitchy. Everything felt bigger and more awful than it actually was.
And like so many of us do, I eventually experienced "burn-out".
I had to take a long look at why it wasn't working and admit that it was never a healthy way to get things done to begin with.
I began to understand that my lists were very unrealistic, and that my expectations were just for superheroes with superhero powers, because there was no way a human could do what I demanded of myself. (Yeah, it turns out...I'm not a superhero. Big surprise, right?)
Thinking I could do it all, for everyone else, was really my ego trying to make up for feeling like a victim of my circumstances. I believed the programming I had received since childhood: that it was my job, and my job alone, to fix it.
We may feel motivated by perfectionism, pleasing others, and trying to do it all by ourselves. But it's a false sense of motivation, because it can't be sustained for long, and we tend to drown in the reality of our overbearing expectations.
I didn't realize that I could change my negative knee-jerk reaction to a heart-grounded healthy response.
I didn't realize that I could manage the feelings of overwhelm with a handful of simple tools.
I didn't realize that my lack of boundaries and saying "no" often tripped me up.
I didn't realize there were other, better ways to get things done and still have time for myself.
"Some days you will feel like the ocean. Some days you will feel like you are drowning in it."
- Lora Mathis
First off, if you often feel overwhelmed and don't know how to get out of it--it's not your fault.
In today's world, there is so much emphasis on being "on" all the time. There are so many unrealistic demands and deadlines that our ancestors never had to manage. Add all of those to the skewed mindset of you have to make money to be somebody; and you have to be the perfect worker, the perfect parent, the perfect friend, the perfect business owner; and somehow still have a life and make a difference in the world, and you've got fertile ground for overwhelm to flourish.
Just reading that last long sentence makes me feel exhausted. It's no wonder people feel overwhelmed!
Here's what I've learned, though.
You don't have to revert to the old pattern of often feeling overwhelmed by life like I did.
You don't have to conquer overcoming overwhelm in one day, either. I know you may want to, but that would be like using the same mindset and expecting a different outcome.
With guidance and additional support you can find effective ways to get yourself on the right path.
In this simple program you can move beyond what you thought was possible for you.
You can take small steps to change your beliefs, your thinking, your feelings and reactions.
You can let go of the past and the things that have gone undone.
You can move ahead with a plan, renewed optimism and support.
You can begin your journey towards feeling less regret, more understanding, less fear of failure, and less overwhelm.
In this program you'll get weekly spiritual guidance, effective exercises, and creative tips to help you stay the course.
Plus, you'll get two 1-to-1 sessions to better personalize this program for you, from the comfort of your home.
I am here for you. Together, we can create a plan of how to best support your needs.
You'll also receive a bonus each week (4 bonuses in all) for FREE!